January 19, 2017

Nail Art for Every Month of the Year - Featuring Birthstones and Birthday Flowers

Looking for some nail art inspiration? I might spur an idea or two for you with this post. Contrary to the lengthy title above, in short I called this my "Theme of the Month" series.

Kimett Kolor Birthstones and Flowers Nail Art Designs

It's super exciting to see all twelve months' designs together!! Although it wasn't intended, it's also rewarding to see the improvement in my nail care and art over the course of the series....which took me 2+ years to complete...oops. Better late than never, I say. Anyways, now when looking them over I am inspired to keep the progress going. I hope it is inspiring you too!

By the way, this round-up post includes links, details, tidbits like which ones have step-by-step instructions, and more. Although it's a long post, it's mostly pictures...

Ready to check it out?


January 11, 2017

Drag Marble Smoosh -- piCture pOlish Nail Art Challenge

Life is funny sometimes. And if/when it's not, you just gotta laugh anyway. There, that's my sentiment of the day; as well as a summary of how these nails came about.

KimettKolor picture polish challenge nail art

On a less philosophical note -- you know I just love mixing and squishing lacquer colors together!! Which also induced more laughter...this might not look it, but it's a funny post!


January 8, 2017

Welcome 2017 with Plum Luck & Floral Stamping

Okay - here we are with the first nail art post of the year. It's a simple one, but nonetheless pretty I think.

KimettKolor Simple Stamping Nail Art with Hit The Bottle and FabUrNails

And, I have found my new favorite black stamping polish!! That, in and of itself, makes this an exciting post.


January 4, 2017

2016 - Top Ten Nail Art Posts

I'm giving my my nails a little extra pampering since they worked so very hard last year (hah!). So today, I thought it would be nice to share my Top Ten Nail Art Posts from 2016.

KimettKolor Top Ten Nail Art 2016

I hope you enjoy reminiscing with me!!


January 3, 2017

2016 - Year In Review

I'm finding that I have quite a bit of excitement pouring over into the new year for Kimett Kolor...and it feels good! But, before busting out the new, I'd like to spend a little time reflecting on the last 12 months.

This post is going to be a bit wordy, and has no nail photos -- EEKS!! However if musings from the desk of Kimett sounds intriguing, grab your cuticle oil and have a read...

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