January 3, 2017

2016 - Year In Review

I'm finding that I have quite a bit of excitement pouring over into the new year for Kimett Kolor...and it feels good! But, before busting out the new, I'd like to spend a little time reflecting on the last 12 months.

This post is going to be a bit wordy, and has no nail photos -- EEKS!! However if musings from the desk of Kimett sounds intriguing, grab your cuticle oil and have a read...

The Glass Is Half Full

Despite the fact that I still haven't quite fully settled into my new Kolor Kave (it's only been 16 months afterall, LOL), and maybe because of the time saved by putting it off; the proudest accomplishment I feel is that I finally got my blogging groove back in 2016.

Back in the beginning, I started the blog at a pace I would describe as that of full-time hobby level. Then, after about a year, things slowed down for me with nail art because other life stuff took over. While there's always the chance that it will happen again...I'm very hopeful to keep up my renewed volume and frequency of posts.

Anyway, specifically last January I set a soft goal of 50 posts for the year -- and by hook and crook -- I did it!! As I predicted, I AM pleased as punch about it!!

And what is the reason for my blogging renewal? There are several really, but the biggest one (and it might surprise you) is:

These words help me overcome getting bogged down by my perfectionism and desire to include everything under the sun into a design or post. Giving myself permission to not focus on EVERY little detail has been a huge help. It keeps it fun too!

I know some of you might be chuckling at this because while I may not be including everything my brain can conceive of, I still have a bit of a reputation for including lots of details...I think you like this about me though. Yet, I do try to keep it under control. ;)

A Kick In The Pants

I'm also a big-time procrastinator. To help with that, I decided to re-visit challenges. It seemed to make sense considering I started blogging by following the prompts for the 31 Day Nail Art challenge. Luckily for me there are lots of people who take the time to organize challenges through blogs, Facebook groups and Instagram accounts.

Challenges can be tricky to manage though. I try to find the right balance for me between the positive excitement and the negative pressure of these commitments. Mostly, I have found that with my physical limitations and their unpredictability, I do best with laid-back challenges -- those that allow participation when able, but not limited to 100% completion.

Last year included several Birthday and other well wishing Nail-Grams that were an honor for me to be invited to. There were more than I'd like that I wasn't able to join when asked, but I'm glad that I got to do as many as I did. It's been a privilege to be connected with all of these fantastic ladies around the world through our love of nail art!

Behind the Scenes of A Blogger

During this past year, I also spent time giving my blog a face lift. Other bloggers will understand the enormous amount of time that entails. So bear with us when we mention it, OK? Thanks. Of course, typical me...I didn't do this just once. I actually did it three times.

The first was me trying to "master" the Blogger platform and dig back through my HTML knowledge. But, between the changes to web browsers and the limitations of Blogger, I didn't like the result despite tweaking and tweaking -- for months. So, I then decided I would be happier if I paid for some professional coding and spent a couple months researching sources. The first template I purchased was technically fine and did what it advertised it would...but I found I didn't know (until I went through the process) exactly what I needed. In the span of 24 sleepless hours, that template was installed and uninstalled. And, finally, I spent just a little more money and went with the current template I'm using by pipdig. This one has satisfied my needs and presents a look that I'm happy with for the small investment.

Now my home page (when viewed on a full size screen) is a photo gallery with clickable links to every blog post. There are also categories available from the menu bar (which sticks to the top) for those interested in certain kinds of nail art and posts. But, one of the biggest reasons I felt I needed a professional template is the domination of mobile devices that we all use today. Now, when using a cell phone or tablet, you can easily access the menu items at the top and see a running list of post intros to click on for reading.

One of the other parts of blogging besides doing the nail art that I really enjoy is the photography. It's another activity that takes time and practice, but I am proud of the improvement I've made this year. Hopefully it results in more enjoyment for you a well!

It All Starts With Polish

In my first post of 2016 I gave a run down of my polish collection. I'd like to do that here as well.

Once again, 2016 found me adding a decent amount of liquid color to my arsenal. What can I say? Nail polish addict here! I wonder just when it will be that someone will form an anonymous support group...

As of December 31st, my collection holds 682 polish bottles. Yikes!! That's after I have put my big-girl-panties on and culled about 30 from the collection. Although, I haven't really done the hard part as those were mostly defective or sub-par formulas. Gulp. As I've mentioned, I plan to do a bit more culling as the collection size is about what I want it to stay at. And, of course, it is impractical to say I won't be adding more here and there. Wink, wink.

Currently, I have two IKEA Helmers that are basically full (I could squeeze some more in...but its getting kinda tight. Then, I have a desk-top rack with my stamping polishes and toppers. With the addition of gels that I'm excited to have started incorporating this year, I imagine I will add one more storage system...but that will be it!! (You're laughing at me now, aren't you?)

Here are some statistics about my collection:
  • Roughly 55% are from Indies, 34% are from salon/beauty suppliers, and 11% are from drugstore/department stores. I don't keep track of dates of purchase, but I do know that almost every bottle I bought last year was from an Indie brand. It's a great feeling to support small businesses. This year I imagine I'll be returning to a more varied shopping habit because I miss some of my other favorite mainstream brands.
  • 13% of my collection came to me by way of gifts, prizes, hand-me-downs, etc. I think that is VERY COOL. A big shout of Thanks to those folks!!
  • Of the 682 polishes, 378 of them have yet to be seen on my blog. Do you see a goal forming here?? I do. ;)

Milestones from 2016

The biggest milestone was, of course, hitting my 3-year Blogiversary in September. I held my first Reader Appreciation Giveaway -- and it was FANTASTIC!! Not only was I completely blown away by all of the nice things people said, it was so fun to host. I'm not sure who was more excited - me or the winner!! (Me. Pick me!)

Getting to try new thingss are part of what makes this hobby fun. I tried the following tools and techniques (some new, some old) for my first time in 2016:
  • stamping on textured polish
  • drag marble
  • smoosh technique
  • clear stampers
  • vinyl stencils
  • dribble technique
  • layered stamping (aka double and triple stamping)
  • foils
  • water spotting
  • soak-off gels with LED curing lamp

AND...Publishing my 100th post was quite a thing! You helped by completing a poll and picking the technique, thank you!! It will forever be a stand-out smoosh!!

Oh - and also very exciting - I finally finished my Theme of the Month Series!! It is always rewarding when a project is finally complete!

Save The Best For Last

My tagline for my blog is "Nail Art Is Great Therapy. Friends Make It Even Better!!" You, my wonderful readers make doing all of this worthwhile, fun and so much more special than it would be if I were just chronicling my adventures privately. I cherish every single page view, follow, like, comment, and emails that I get from all of you. Above all of that, I am truly blessed with many friendships through this hobby. Thank You from the bottom of my colorful heart!

And, if you'll bear with me...there are a few people I'd like to give a shout of thanks to:
  • I couldn't have started this list (or blog, for that matter) without Mr. Kimett. Simply said, Thank You!!
  • My #1 Fan is my Mom. With all that I've been through to get here, she has stood by me and provided unwavering support since the beginning. And she's commented on just about every post!! In fact, when she misses one, they feel naked. She'll let me drone on and on during our phone calls and visits about this or that nail polish, nail art or frustration I'm currently having. Big hug, Mom!! 
  • My #1 nail art & blogger buddy: Karolyn. While there have been quite a few seasoned bloggers who helped me when I was a novice (thank goodness!), I am lucky to have a friend who also does this crazy thing and can be a great source of moral support and advice when I need it. Thanks for the chats at all hours, the nail mail, and for all of your encouraging words!!
  • Frequent commenters: I've had just about as many comments left on my blog as I have in polish bottles!! That is freaking awesome!! In 2016, I received over 200 comments on the blog. I know that it takes time to not only read blog posts, but then when someone goes the extra mile and leaves a comment it is like gold! The following people have left me several responses that I am most grateful for (in no particular order): Maria, Beth, Sarah (2), Vicky, Cassis, Debbie,  Mirza, Tijana, Christine, Monica, Lili, Alisha, Kyong, Diana, Ellie, Justine, Melissa, and Natasha. Kisses!!
    (And, if you support me over in the social media realm too -- another kiss!!)

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping to make 2016 a FANTASTIC blogging year!!!!

If you did read this whole post, tell me in the comments -- I just might surprise you with a small reward!! 

Till Next Time,

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