Hey everyone! How's your summer (or the season you're in now) going? I can't say that I remember a summer like the one I've been having this year. What I mean is, as soon as that warm day in June came around, I've been sooooo lazy. And, you know it's bad when I don't want to putter around in my Kolor Kave!! I seem to just want to lay low, read a book or a magazine, watch TV, sit on the porch... or visit the beach, maybe...
This blog and I came to be roughly ten months ago. I love where it has taken me, the people that it's introduced to me, and the inclusion within a friendly & talented community. So - don't you worry. I have tons and tons of ideas, new polishes & tools to play with, and am looking forward to making lots more nail art designs.
I guess, what I'm saying is I'm going to continue to lay about and take what is known as a blogcation for a little while. I'm just gonna feel lazy and go with it.While my my nail art tools have been left alone, lately I have been getting totally swept up in nail art on Instagram!! Holy mackerel - there are some majorly talented and some funny gals there!! I am having a blast with the interactions on IG, and I'm glad I've added it to the ways to connect with others. If you're on it, don't forget to follow my new feed: IG @kimettkolor.
What else? This is a blog update type of post...ummm....other than me being lazy....let's see....
Oh - very important news!! There are more of you out there!! Yay!! I am stunned and humbled that my mussing around with colors on my nails has brought me any followers at all; never mind as many as I have today. It knocks me right over! Take a look at how my Klub has grown recently:
Total Followers: April - 54, July - 219
Isn't that neat? I am totally humbled. And, thankful! But, I'm so curious....What brought you to like me? I'd be even more thrilled if you feel like telling me in the comments. And, if you read all the way to this point - you are a super, duper awesome fan!! THANK YOU!!
The stock photographs in this post were purchased through Photo Dune.
Till next time,
P. S.
And, for those of you who celebrate your Birthday in July (I do too!) - I won't get the design I have in mind posted before July is over. I'm sorry. Bad, Kimett. But it will get done. I promise. Right after I....take a nap. LOL.