Every now and then, I would like to take a moment and revisit some of the more special polish photos that were included within recent posts; and, occasionally introduce photos that haven't been previously published. While I'm not looking to become a formal polish swatcher, lately I have enjoyed showing off some of the beauties in my collection.
In a sense, these will be recap type posts. I can't say that I will do these following any specific time frames, just when there seems to be a small passel of them ready for viewing. Today's round up is more of a trial run; especially since I thought of doing this AFTER the fact. But hey, ideas come when they come, right?
At this point, I'll stop explaining and follow the wisdom of Shel Silverstein:
"Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it."Except, of course to say, since this is my first go at this -- I hope when you reach the end, you'll let me know what you think. ;)
© Can Stock Photo / Nikmerkulov |
[This post has pictures, I promise...but, please allow me a little bit of journalling first. However, if you want to skip down to the photos, I won't hold it against you.]
When I began in the adventures of nail art, I didn't understand the luxury of using good quality polishes. I would actually argue it is a necessity if you're pressed for time and/or to increase the enjoyment factor exponentially. It never would have occurred to me that I would own almost 600 bottles 3+ years later. And to be honest, I'm getting to the point where I don't wish my collection to get a whole lot larger.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy as a clam with ALL the polish...if I lived in a castle with one dedicated assistant to help me catalog and maintain them all. And, if I never, ever had to move. But, back here in reality town, I like the amount that I have size wise. I've learned a lot along the way about what kinds of polishes I prefer and which brands/stores I like to buy from.
I think this is what led me to consider doing these posts. I'm at the point when I "should" start to purge some of my polishes -- so that I can buy more of course!! LOL But....the thought of picking favorites, more to the point, picking those to let go of, is HARD. As mentioned in a couple posts, I have already come across a couple duds that I won't use again....did I throw them away? No.....there's got to be a use for them, right?? I know. I'm laughing too.
So, the first step seems to be to mark those that I would never want to part with. I have no idea how many that will be. I've got my excel spreadsheet ready for such notations though....baby steps.
OK - that's as much babble as I'll subject you to for now. I don't imagine I will be doing these posts more than once every few months or so....but I'll keep you updated, of course.
First up is Morning Dew by Polish My Life:
This shot was from a post back in April, Teal & Gold - Baroque Stamping. I was very happy to get to use this polish as it had been waiting for me since last Fall. Now seems to be fitting for another look. I have quite a number of teal polishes in my collection, but this one stands out because both its color and shimmer are strong and bold. I can't imagine ever culling it from the herd.
The next polish I'm showcasing is #hellosunshine by il e'tait un vernis:
It was almost physically painful covering up some of this polish with the art in Sunshine Nails, Part Two. I sought out this polish with a vengence. It is MY color. I have always loved yellow as long as I can remember. And, this polish is my favorite formula - a jelly!! Although I'm not a holo-nut, I do find the scattered holographic particles give it an extra punch. I was extremely happy with the formula and have been impressed with the quality from this French brand in general. I'm showing this beauty with white undies here (hence it is brighter in the swatch photo), but it is equally fun to wear on bare nails. I look forward to using this one again and again....and it will be an empty bottle before I would ever let go.
Moving on to Blood/Lust by Renaissance Cosmetics:
I presented this beauty on my blog in a simple stamping post, Crimson Flowers, intentionally leaving much of it uncovered. It is no coincidence that this pretty polish is also a jelly formula. The glitters and flakes that swim in it give it such character. It is a cranberry red -- more on the pink side in the bright light and darker red in dimmer settings. This shade is also a favorite of mine and one that is flattering on me too. The formula is fantastic. For all these reasons, it will remain in my favor and collection for the long term.
Here's a closer view:
And lastly, I'm showing Out of the Darkness, also by Renaissance Cosmetics:
You probably remember this polish as my background for the Jack O' Lanterns done this month. At a quick glance, this looks like a black jelly (yes - another one!) with holographic glitters ... but, it also has multi-color flakes too that give it such character. They can be shy...but when they come to light, it is a sight to distract even the most focused. Again, great formula. Nope. Not for trade, it's a keeper!!
Here's a close up of the bottle - it really shows off the flakies!!
So there you have it, a few of my favored polishes with photos sans nail art. Going forward with these types of posts, I will work on showing some "new" swatch photos not seen before in the blog posts. Also, I will be more likely to photograph the times when I paint my nails and don't do any art. Up until now, I haven't really thought about sharing those.
Lastly, a minor note, I took the bottle shots today with my new lighting and camera set-up, where as the swatch photos are the ones taken at the time of the blog post (if you noticed the differences - that is why.)
Did you enjoy this post? Do you have any ideas or suggestions for how to make them better?
Thanks for visiting!!
Till Next Time,